Dog Tags
All dogs ages six months or older and kept in the city limits are required to have a dog tag. All tags are free the city just needs proof of vaccinations. Please call or stop by the City Office to register your dog.
Please Report all Vicious Animals to the Code Enforcement Officer or Call 911 for Immediate Assistance.
Animal Control and Regulations refer to Chapter II of the City of Beloit City Code.
Information needed for all Animal Complaints
The Code Enforcement Officer and City Attorney need basic information from citizens in dealing with reports of animals at large, vicious animals, and other nuisances that can arise such as excessive animal noises, pooping in neighbors yards ect.
Information that is needed is as follows:
- Reporting Party - name, address, phone number
- Animal Information - as much as can be provided
- Incident Information - when, what, where
- Animal Owner's Information - name, address
- Pictures are very beneficial
- Reporting Party must be willing to testify in Municipal Court