The Beloit Municipal Court is dedicated to providing fair, efficient, professional, and effective disposition of all matters within its jurisdiction. A Municipal Court Judge presides over all court proceedings and a municipal prosecutor represents the City and is charged with presenting the City's case against the defendant. The Municipal Court has jurisdiction of violations of city ordinances for traffic cases and other types of cases, such as code violations and other misdemeanor criminal matters. All other more serious criminal matters are handled through the District Court.
- Beloit Municipal Court is held once per month, typically on the second Monday.
- Beloit Municipal Court is held at:
Beloit City Hall
119 N Hersey
Beloit, KS 67420 - Arraignments begin at 9 a.m.
- Trials and all other matters begin at 1 p.m.
Payment Information
Fines and cost may also be paid with cash, check, money order and Visa, MasterCard, Discover credit cards at the Beloit Municipal Court office during regular business hours.
- Beloit Law Enforcement Center (Beloit Municipal Court Office)
1716 N Hersey
Beloit, Kansas 67420 - Monday through Friday
- 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
- Beloit Municipal Court
P.O. Box 337
Beloit, Kansas 67420
Drop Box
- Located at the Law Enforcement Center, just inside the main door
- Please reference the ticket number or defendant's name, or include the citation with your payment.
- Make checks payable to the Beloit Municipal Court.
- There will be a $35 charge on all returned checks.